From my post , I guess everyone probably know where's my dream and favourite destination !
YAY ! Its always be NEW ZEALAND !
3 years ago, MAS flight fly me to New Zealand which allowed me to discover the best gems ever in this world .
The Youngest Country On Earth
New Zealand is a WOW!WOW!WOW! place for me . I used to tough that NZ is a country side country which i was totally SO wrong ! ...
New Zealand really surprised me for the whole 2years .
as i never knew that our mother nature do left
something really precious on earth
Why New Zealand is my Dream Destination ?
Because ............
They are the most nature aka pollution free country on earth
Its contains the most beautiful nature view
Its have been Rated one of the safest Country and City in the world
They have the most natural adventures
They have tracks that allowed you to explore 4 season a day
They have all wonderful botanic in different seasons
Lavendar Farm
Spring Blossom
awesome grassland
Oh...and they produce premium wine
Of course they are the only KIWI'S Land in the world
Even Garnets (sea birds) love this wonderful place ,Why not us ?