I never consider of going overseas to study ,stay ,explore or whatsoever.
Recalled me for that moment in Jan 2007
"My mindset was set-up in Malaysia~ I'm just a typical 18 years old teenager at that time . For me is simple , I enjoy my life in KL , doing crazee things with my peeps around me ,close to the one i love . It's seems like life is quite happening here . I don't think i need to change."
Till one day , Mommy asked me to go out and explore the world.
My mum is a very open-minded person . She's kinda western style.
She told me :
" You are old enough now , Its time for you to explore!
Don't you think it isnt a good idea to stay in KL forever ?
If you don explore , you never know whats happening in the world outside .Go and explore others culture and life they are surviving.Explore the Sour , Sweet ,Bitter ,Hot in your Journey ."
This kinda wake my mind up~ But it doesn't really works coz i never want to leave my besties and loves here .
Without my permission , Mum bought me a return flight ticket to New Zealand . Flight date was 21st March 2007, return 21st May 2007 .
Its was a very hard time of me to make this decision and started to think , 2 months 2 months ...only 2months , Maybe i should give a try to go.Treat as traveling around.
So I told mum , Ok deal ..2 months , Just 2 months. I will go. But if you want me to go without any hesitation ,Buy me VIP tickets for my idol LeeHom concert which cost RM500 per tix . I will go once i finish the concert . Who knows , My mum dealed with it! (im cheap right ?haha)
I commit to my promises.
I did not do any research on web regarding New Zealand.I only booked the first 2 night Hotel .Im not interested to know anything about it .Which normally people do was, they will research on accommodations , travel , job etc .
I did not even get any preparation . I just bought a backpack bag and a pair of gloves for myself.Mum prepared everything for me ,she packed alot of cloths for me .My luggage itself is like 30Kg.
Days passed by very fast.....
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